A woman had a 13-pound baby, and the nurses were shocked! Anna’s first daughter was born looking like her husband but her second daughter did not look like Anna or her husband!
In a meeting, Raven said that he realized his fly was down and that no one had told him all day! Find out what Anna said when she saw a woman’s fly was down, and why Producer Julie thinks it is all awkward!
Are you up to date on this week’s biggest news story? Anna and Raven will get you caught up on the trending news stories including the reason that you’re extra tired today and the best nap you can take!
Tiger Woods had his son throw a chicken finger to him during a round of golf and it made Anna think, what is the best kid’s food? Find out what Anna and Raven’s favorite “kid’s food” is!
Raven has unique rules at his house and one of them involves his wife controlling the butter! Anna requires her family to change out of their “outside clothes” before getting into bed!
Are you up to date on this week’s biggest news story? Anna and Raven will get you caught up on the trending news stories including a healthier replacement for butter, and if pretty privilege is real and how much more “pretty” people earn!
Anna doesn’t use a weather app, so she and Raven speak with Meteorologist Ashley Baylor! Find out what weather forecast you should actually be using! You can find her @meterologistashbaylor
Anna is not a fan of sleepovers, and her 6-year-old had her first sleepover at her cousin’s house until there was an incident with their dog and her stuffed animal! Find out what happened!
Eric and Daria have a ten-year-old son that takes breakdancing classes and wants to perform solo at his school’s talent show. Eric is very much against it. He says he’s not great, he’s going to embarrass himself, and he wants to save him the heartache by telling him not to do it. Daria says that if it’s his passion, they have to support him. What do you think?
Amanda and Ray have a chance to win $8600! All they have to do is answer more pop culture questions than Raven in Can’t Beat Raven!