Anna found a list of the things that are considered an older person habit that that younger people are doing! Her husband made fun of her for one thing that helped on vacation!
Anna lists three news stories that seem almost out of this world, and Raven can only pick and hear about one!
Raven was on a line at the pet store and there was hostile energy behind him because he needed to use his coupons! Anna was at Costco and waited in line because someone was on the phone with their credit card company! Find out what happened!
Anna and Raven take the test to see how their job ages them! Find out how much their job has aged them and take it yourself:
Anna was “attacked” by a horse at a St. Patrick’s Day Parade but not in the way you would think! She wants to know if this has happened to other people!
Samantha’s husband, David, doesn’t think he should be forced to dance with his wife at bars/clubs/weddings. He says that he’s 40 years old, he’s too old to be dancing at bars with her. She’s suggested if he won’t dance with her at any of these places, then he can’t get mad when she dances with other guys. He thinks that’s ridiculous. Why does she need to dance with anyone? Just dance with your girlfriends or by yourself. She says it’s not the same. What do you think?
Reynold has a chance to win $8400! All Reynold has to do is answer more pop culture questions than Raven in Can’t Beat Raven!