NEW YORK (AP) — A judge on New York’s highest court has been referred to a disciplinary commission and could be kicked off the bench for failing to comply with a rule requiring all court personnel to provide proof they’ve been vaccinated against COVID-19. Judge Jenny Rivera is one of seven jurists on the state’s Court of Appeals. She has been barred from court facilities and has been working remotely since October. Rivera is one of four judges statewide who have been referred to the state’s Commission on Judicial Conduct for being out of compliance with the vaccine mandate. A message seeking comment was left with Rivera’s chambers.
Photo: FILE – Court of Appeals judge Jenny Rivera listens to oral arguments during a cross-examination at the Court of Appeals on Wednesday, June 1, 2016, in Albany, N.Y. Rivera, one of seven jurists on New York’s highest court, is no longer allowed in the courtroom and has been referred to a disciplinary committee, because she hasn’t complied with a rule requiring all court personnel to provide proof they’ve been vaccinated against COVID-19. (AP Photo/Hans Pennink)