Tuesday March 30th 2021: Weird Flex; March Gladness Elite 8; Bad Accents

Tuesday March 30th 2021:  Weird Flex; March Gladness Elite 8; Bad Accents

Do you have a drink?  Something you always order when you go to the bar?  Studies show that the age you were when you started ordering it actually says a lot about you!  Anna loves a dirty martini, and Raven enjoys a glass of whiskey, but Anna’s friend likes to order something that once made a bartender laugh in his face!

Been having a bad week?  Anna and Raven have got just the thing to cheer you up!  If you think you have it bad, you’ve gotta hear about the bad day these people on Twitter are having!  Anna and Raven read some of their favorite “bad day” tweets, including one that blurs the line between flirty and insulting!  (3:02)

Fashion is a great way to express yourself, but if you put THIS in the sole of your Nike’s, that’s all I need to know about you!  (6:29)

Did you know that a Hollywood Dialect coach makes up to $400 an hour?!  For that much money, you’d think we would hear fewer bad movie accents!  Anna and Raven list the top 5 worst movie accents of all time, and #1’s Irish accent even makes Raven’s sound good!  (9:54)

What laws do you break?  Not real laws, like stealing and fraud, but fake laws like pirating music and jaywalking.  There’s one law that everyone breaks at least once a year, and you probably don’t even realize you’re doing it!  (13:45)

March Gladness continues, and we’re moving on to the Elite 8!  Today’s matchup is between two journeymen of joy; Surprise Pizza vs. Having A Plane Aisle All To Yourself!  Find out who wins in the podcast and vote online or call in to vote for tomorrow’s match-up!  (20:44)

Do you have a weird talent that you think is cool, but nobody else does?  Anna has really strong teeth, and she uses them to open things that nobody should ever put their mouth on, and Raven is REALLY proud of how well he makes his bed!  What’s your weird flex?  (26:59)

Mike and Lauren have rescheduled their wedding and moved the original plan of a “formal sit-down dinner at a fancy venue” to a “backyard tented wedding”. She still wants people to dress their best in formal-wear. The last thing she wants is people showing up to her tented formal wedding in jeans or a sundress. He says you can’t tell people what to wear regardless of if it’s at the venue or in a tent. Can you tell your guests what to wear to your wedding?  (36:47)

Raven is on a roll, and the jackpot is up to $1600!  Does Jackie have what it takes to beat him in pop culture trivia and win the prize?  (44:01)